22 novembre 2011

Fatiguée de courir dans le vide

it's time to have a toast. Life - 20


4 novembre 2011

On dit que l’incapacité à accepter la perte de quelque chose relève de la folie. C’est certainement vrai. Mais parfois, c’est le seul moyen de rester en vie.

Every day i try harder

But sometimes someone discover the fake smile, and I’m just an impostor like the day before.

I try to fight against myself, be strong, don’t think too much, don’t be affected about the others lives, but I just can’t.

I can’t, I think I have reached my limits and that’s afraid me. What’s happened next? What can I do? Stay all day at bed crying for nothing? Already done. Become a facebook ‘s hunter? The same. Every picture, every comment is a tear. It makes me sick, I vomit all the food as if it was my life.

It’s too hard, I become crazy and I don’t know what to do, what to say. I try to flee myself, travelling the country, see people, my friends. But when the train give me back to real life, all start again. I’m not strong at all, but I can’t tell to them how sad I am.

I’m just glad to be far away the metro now.
